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Date(s) - 21/05/2018
9:00 am - 3:30 pm

Manchester Communications Academy
Silchester Drive
M40 8NT


My Personal Best

‘My Personal Best – IN Physical Education and  My Personal Best – IN LIFE ‘


My Personal Best (MyPB) is professional learning for secondary teachers consisting of a full days training ‘MyPB’, half day follow up ‘Sharing Practice and Review’ and a comprehensive MyPB resource tool. MyPB supports and challenges teachers to consider how life skills development is an explicit outcome of PE while still enabling young people to become physically literate e.g. to develop competence, knowledge, understanding, and motivation to be physically active for life. There will be a mix of theory and practical elements please come dressed appropriately to be active during the initial day.


This award winning support package is designed to inspire secondary PE teachers to confidently teach life skills through core curriculum PE. It will also intrinsically help to support the development of leadership and employability skills in young people.


Alongside resources, practitioners will be encouraged to reflect upon, challenge and refresh the practice for maximum impact on the young people. Each teacher will take an action-research style approach to reposition the purpose and relevance of PE, and share effective practice to adopting this approach with other colleagues.


With a focus on curriculum PE and its importance in developing vital character traits in young people such as empathy, integrity, resilience, collaboration,

self management, self- motivation.


MyPB allows for teaching and learning, assessment and the impact on whole school priorities to be enhanced.


MyPB is designed to increase understanding of character development and highlight the value of PE in a challenging and pressurised secondary landscape where core subjects may take priority.

What has the impact been so far?

As a result of delivering the MyPB approach teachers have demonstrated a shift in practice from the start of the pilot, reflecting positively upon the desired teacher outcomes.

For example 79% have greater knowledge of how to explicitly develop learners’ life skills in and through PE and 77% were more motivated to improve delivery of PE and physical activity.


Teachers identified a number of changes they have seen in their pupils as a result of taking part in My PB. These included improved skills, behaviours, more positive engagement, greater responsibility and an increase in pupils articulating life skills in their learning and other contexts beyond PE.

Over 80% of the pupils surveyed told us that their understanding of how PE can help them to develop their life skills had improved. 64% improved their confidence in leading or influencing other young people and 63% improved their ability to appreciate how other people are feeling.


The cost of the course is £300 but on completion of a case study £100 is refunded to each department. This is a considerable reduction on the usual price to school by the Youth Sport Trust to Manchester Schools. This cost covers 2 people from each school, for example, one PE and one from another department e.g dance, drama, music or if appropriate two from PE to attend. It is essential that the same delegates attend both trainings and come dressed appropriately for practical activity. The course also includes lunch and refreshments and all resources needed to deliver My Personal Best.



Training Day 1


Monday 21st May 9am – 3:30pm at Manchester Communications Academy, Silchester Drive, Manchester M40 8NT


Training Day 2


Monday 21st January 1:00pm – 3:30pm at Manchester Communications Academy, Silchester Drive, Manchester M40 8NT





Bookings are closed for this event.