The Football Association, supported by Barclays and in partnership with the Youth Sport Trust, have a vision to give every girl equal access to football in school by 2024.

The Girls Football in Schools website has been designed as a ‘one-stop shop’ for ALL schools in England to access support, practical resources and useful information to develop girls’ football provision in your school.  To access the full range of resources available, you will need to register as a user.


Manchester Schools PE Association is now in its fourth year as one of the FA Girls Partnership leads and is delighted to be part of this exciting and well resourced programme, offering resources for curriculum, extra curricular, participation & leadership.


Shooting Stars Programme (Key Stage 1 & 2)

Active Play Through Storytelling

The FA Shooting Stars Active Play Through Storytelling programme inspired by Disney has been developed to support girls aged 5-8 in developing their physical literacy, speaking and listening skills through creative play and storytelling.


Girls Football Clubs

Using super-human powers, high-tech gadgets and superheroes the programme is designed to truly capture the imagination of Primary age girls. There are six weeks of activities for both key stage 1 and key stage 2, with progressions in place so girls can move through during their school journey.
For more information regarding Active Play Through Storytelling and Girls Football Clubs click here


Game Of Our Own (Key Stage 3 & 4)

The Game of Our Own (GOOO) programme provides training and support for secondary school teachers to support them to engage girls in curriculum physical education through a life skills approach, using football as the vehicle. In addition, the programme aims to support and develop young female leaders through its young leaders training and support package.  For more information please click GOOO Complete


The Game of Our Own (GOOO) Programme has 3 core elements:

1. GOOO: Digital

Within this area of the Girls Football In Schools Platform you will find a wide range of resources and to support you as a teacher to introduce a life skills approach to your PE delivery. All of these resources are free to access using the links below once you have registered as a user to the platform.

2. GOOO: Teacher (Available only to schools within GFSP’s)

GOOO: Teacher has been designed to support teachers to develop a new approach to delivering PE in their schools through a life skills focus. The GOOO teacher training will focus on exploring how teachers can engage girls in curriculum physical education through football, identify and develop life skills and support girls to be empowered to lead football-related activity for others. It will be delivered by members of the YST Learning Academy and FA PE Unit staff.  For more information please click GOOO Teacher

3. GOOO: Leadership (Available only to schools within GFSP’s)

Schools engaging in GOOO: Teacher this year or schools that have previously undertaken GOOO Training last year will be supported to establish and deliver extra-curricular girls football clubs or activity led by their girls’ football activators. The girls’ football activators can follow one of two leadership pathways; marketing or delivery. The girls selected to be football activators will be able to access kit, resources and leadership training to support them in their roles.  For more information please click GOOO Leadership