How Koboca can be used as a consultation tool
Consultation – where and how to use and create surveys.
League functionality – where to find the leagues, how to enter results and see the leagues tables etc.
Competition – how to create and set up an ‘intra’ competition and generate results plus access to National competitions in a variety of sports with rankings.
The student surveys enable teachers to identify children who may seek support and get a better understanding of the children’s voice in terms of sports interests or participation. I.e. One question ‘Do you feel if something was wrong do feel you would have someone to speak to at school?’ Many children answered no (and your Koboca account gives you the name of the child and only your school).
You might be thinking why are we even using Koboca?
Koboca has been designed to gather data on pretty much anything. It comes pre-loaded with surveys such as Ofsted pupil and staff surveys, PE Premium surveys, School Games Mark surveys, Physical Activity surveys and Nutrition Tests. It has been designed with 3 main objectives in mind.
- To be more than an evaluation tool. To provide evidence and target groups in real time so the results can be used as the basis of a development plan ensuring time and resources are allocated where they are needed most.
- To be user-friendly. There are no complex features in Koboca, and reports and surveys can be produced in under 3 clicks of a mouse. Pupils can be provided with a link to access a survey, and schools just need to login and click reports to view results. Clicking on any graph or stat lists the names of the pupils making up that response.
- To provide a comprehensive package of virtual competitions and challenges that all pupils can take part in, with the teams being selected after submission of all the scores.
Benefits for Schools
- Ability to identify target groups by name. (Not just a monitoring and evaluation tool)
- Ability to add their own questions for their school
- Ability to change a person’s answer to update results. EG move a pupil from non-participant to participant at a click of a button. Improve results without having to redo survey.
- Ability to achieve and improve on Accreditation Awards.
- Ability to gather data for GFSP programme, School Games Mark, Sports Premium and Ofsted in one go.
- Hard data on inactive groups to support Change 4 Life identification
- Ability to set up self-marking tests
- Ability to compare results over different surveys and years to evidence improvement.
- Auto entry into virtual competitions
- All data is viewed in real time
- Koboca also has the ability to filter by: gender, year group, pupil premium, attainment level, SEND or any other filter the user wants to add.