MPEA Sports Leaders

#PersonalChallenge are student driven/self-led opportunity for student to take part in both in and out of school. These challenges aid the student to increase activity levels and improve performance.

It’s completely up to the student what they choose whether it be personal to them or the result of a regular daily, weekly personal event that provides motivation.

Here’s a few examples: (School Games YouTube):






An intra-school competition is a sporting activity taking place between pupils who attend the same school. For example, this can be in the form of a class vs. class or house activity. These competitions could culminate in an annual School Games Day, or Sports Day, to celebrate a school’s sporting success. (Attach resource booklet at bottom). Use Koboca for result upload, table to keep track of.


#PersonalChallenge is a student driven/self-led opportunity to attempt to improve performance and can take place both at school and beyond the school day. How a pupil goes about choosing what challenges they want to take on could be personal to them or the result of a regular daily, weekly personal event that provides motivation.

Fire up your student’s imagination, create your own or choose from some of the #PersonalChallenge ideas below.

However big or small, share your personal challenges with us @mcrschoolsPE by using the #PersonalChallenge and join a movement of people in the School Games challenging themselves to become better than they were yesterday.